Spring 2011 - get ready for interim critique..
This is an important marker in the design timeline. Get ready to show all work in progress in a coherent format. Work out the following and put into a power point and bring along any support material (sketchbooks, collages, sketch models, ideas etc):
For the crit, you should have a project and concept 'skeleton' in place:
- Front page - Group (number and) activity area - group members, main theme/concept - inspirational image
- Site location; map, brief history and current activities (charity etc)
- Your allocated area/zone - mapped out and shown in context / location of the whole site. Be aware of entrances, exits and paths to and from YOUR area
- Main problems to solve (large machinery, poor lighting, temperature, visibility, activities, what is the main theme or high light of your area/proposal?
- Alterations, additions etc., to fixtures, fittings. New furniture from old, screens, walls, shelves, seating and 'resting' points..
- Children, the elderly, the groups, wheel chairs and buggies.. consider all types of visitors where ever possible
- Materials, colours, textures
- CAD drawings and details of the proposed scheme
- Sketches, collage, illustrations of the ideas to date THIS WILL HELP TO GIVE USEFUL FEEDBACK
- All other RELEVANT work in progress
- Group report to date of how team is performing + Action Plan for next couple of weeks
and consider these points:
- Act as a 'visitor' in your design process & visuals - what does the visitor see, feel, experience, remember, find (or not?)
- Sound and vision - technology, screens, projections, photographs, posters, signs, labels, postcards, paper planes, typography..
- Activities and wow factor (remember Paper Trail wants 'wow factor' - INNOVATION is key. Visit museums/events to get ideas.
- Low/no budget - this is a challenge - but who says everything good comes with a price tag!! Show what you can do/find/make..
We very much look forward to seeing the work on the 4th April. Well done to date, some impressive work seen already and the teams I have seen so far, are putting in the hours and achieving results.
Some student blogs you may wish to follow (please send me links to your blogs if you have one for this project):
Image: Paper Trail reception/shop (H Saarinen)